Once a quiet fishing village, Stanley has become a hip seaside destination these days with many restaurants and a bustling market. Its English name comes from Lord Stanley from the 19th century while its Chinese name refers to eithers red flowers or a nearby hill that turns red during sunset.
Murray House was originally in Central and was disassembled in 1982 to make way for a skyscraper. It was rebuilt here in Stanley and is now a shopping mall.
Blake Pier also once stood in Central, but has been relocated here in a more serene setting these days.
East of here, a short hiking trail leads to Pak Tai Temple, which overlooks the sea.
From the temple, there are hiking trails uphill to the heavily-forested hillside for a peek of the town from above.
The market has a makeshift cover to protect shoppers from the elements and is a good stroll to cool down after a long walk outdoors.
Sitting along the seafront, the Boathouse was built in 1951 but there are plans to redevelop it into a 10-storey hotel
Shui Sin Temple is perched above the market street with a good view of the bay.
Below, a stretch of lowrise residentials face the sea and sunset.
The Stanley Post Office is the oldest in the city still in service, having opened in 1937. Restoration works were carried out in 2007.
Neearby, the Municipal Services Building is a modern building offering a huge contrast to the older market street next door.
The main beach area is on the other side of the peninsula about 10 minutes by foot from here.
The Correctional Services Museum near Stanley Prison showcases the penal system's history, from the Vietnamese boat refugee problem to the types of uniforms worn by staff. It is surrounded by prison staff quarters today.
The cat-of-nine tails was used as a corporal punishment tool, ripping and tearing skin on the victim's bank and scarring it.
Razors and free cigarettes distributed to prisoners.
Vietnamese refugees came in the droves by boat in the 1970s and 1980s. Many were detained and they made their own playing cards to pass the time.
Mock cells showcase what life in prison is like.
After visiting the exhibition, make sure you head behind the museum for the rest area, which has views of Tai Tam Bay. The road leading to the museum is also lined with lowrises sharing the same sea views.