Lake Biwa Photo Gallery - Hikone

Lake Biwa is Japan's largest lake at 674 sq km. Named after a musical instrument that resembles the lake's shape, it is surrounded by historic towns and lake views.

Hikone is located on the lake's eastern shore. Home to just over 110,000 people, it is famous for its castle, one of only 12 original structures in the country. Getting here is quite easy, with trains taking less than an hour from Kyoto and an hour and a half from Nagoya.

Exiting the train station, the castle is only 10 minutes away by foot.

The castle was completed in 1622 with a view of the lake. The descendents of the feudal lord who built this castle played an important role in opening up Japan during the Edo period.

Centuries later, the views are still unobstructed, and I am not at the main tower yet.

From the 3rd storey, Lake Biwa is at your footsteps.

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