Just north of the Magnificent Mile, the Gold Coast is home to the city's rich and famous. It all started in 1882, when businessman Potter Palmer built a castle here, and many followed since.
Although many highrises have risen to take advantage of the lake views, many historic mansions still line Astor Street.
That being said, modern developments do creep into the lots every now and then.
The Archibishop's residence was built in 1885 and stands at the end of Astor Street. Its 19 chimneys give it quite a unique look compared to the buildings around it. While the current archbishop doesn't live here, it is still a church property.
A short walk to the east, the highrises were warm from the sunshine rising off Lake Michigan.
To the west of these mansions is Old Town, now a stylish area with nice residences along its side streets. St. Michael's originally served the German community, with the current structure dating from 1883 as a reconstruction following the Great Fire.
Keep your firearms outside of mass.
The neighbouring streets were quiet and seemingly affluent.