Hong Kong Photo Gallery - Hiking Beacon Hill

Beacon Hill is an easy hike with very nice views of Kowloon and a little bit of Shatin. The journey is mostly paved with a section of dirt trail that is not very steep and manageable by novice hikers. However, keep an eye on monkeys and keep bags away from their hearing and sight range. They are very accustomed to humans in their habitat and will jump on you if a plastic bag is around. They assume there is a lot of delicious food inside every bag.

Fom the Phoenix House bus stop on Lung Cheung Road, walk up Lung Yan Road.

While a metal barrier stops civilian cars from entering the weather station area, hikers can skirt around it and continue walking up the paved road.

To your left, you will see pockets of nice views to the west in between the trees.

After a fairly easy hike so far, you will reach a junction with a staircase to your right. You should be able to spot monkeys up in the trees and even on the ground. You can either take the long staircase up as a shortcut or continue up the paved road, which will loop around a bit longer. The staircase is the most physically demanding part of this hike because of its length while the road alternative doesn't take that much longer.

After the long gruelling staircase, the dirt path flattens off and you will soon see the paved road again. Turn a right and keep going up.

Along a concrete reinforced slope, hikers climb the right side structure for this view of Kowloon.

There are more good views to come. Continue heading uphill and just past the radar station, a dirt path for the MacLehose Trail emerges on the right.

After a long staircase down, you will reach the Beacon Hill Viewpoint Point which is this hiking trail's star viewpoint. The main area is quite small and overlooks Kowloon. Climb one of the rocks and look behind you for a view of Shatin.

You can continue along the trail towards Lion Rock, but I decided to return the way I came and head back downhill to Lung Cheung Road. The whole trip took under 3 hours, didn't strain my legs too much, and provided spectacular views.

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