Sleepy from my red-eye, I didn't have much energy left to spot the various planes from the tarmac level.
However, stair boardings bring a completely different perspective, especially for this new jet type.
The plane is not leaving without me. I'll take my time snapping a few photos while the rest of you fight your way to the stairs.
First up, the premium section's seats to get your mouth drooling and thinking whether your next flight up here is worth the big bucks?
Then reality sets in. You belong here.
The working desk was complex, with my favoured separate cupholder apparatus. The remote control was also sleek. Notice the mirror which can closed off, but you will always have the option of looking at your gorgeous self while seated.
Next to us on the parking stand is another ex-SQ jet already stripped of its logo.
Like the Dreamliner, the IFE interface is much better here.
This meal seemed a bit big for breakfast. It was more like a lunch instead.
Today's flight path was a bit odd as we veered a bit westwards and not fly over the South China Sea for most of the journey.
I wasn't in a hurry to get off the plane upon arrival either, so I waited for the other passengers to clear to get a few snaps.
So despite suffering through antique aircraft and outdated amenities on my outbound, Singapore Airlines was able to redeem itself on the trip home. Be very careful when booking with them that you are flying on their newer birds as the product can be vastly different and inconsistent.
Prior Leg : Perth - Singapore | Flight Reports Main
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