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Toronto Photo Gallery - The Danforth & Its Neighbouring Communities

The Danforth was laid in 1799 and is named after the contractor who built it. Stretching east to west with a subway line underneath, the area is home to a large Greek community. The Greeks first came to work in agriculture or in Northern Ontario's mines, forests, and railways. The population gradually grew after World War II and settled in this area in the 1950s.

The side streets leading from the Danforth are mostly low-rise residentials.

Located on Broadview Avenue south of the Danforth, Riverdale Park offers a good view of the skyline.

At Broadview and Gerrard, Chinatown East has lost some of its lustre as the original residents cashed in on rising property prices to move further north and east. Chinese and Vietnamese started settling here in the 1970s, looking for cheaper rent from the main Chinatown on Spadina Avenue.

Further east, it becomes a quiet residential area that didn't feel so close to the city centre.

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